Quick Reference Sheet for all the terms you may run into learning Shopify development

Shopify Development Categories

  • Apps
    • Extend Shopify’s core functionality with apps that integrate into Shopify’s admin, online store, checkout and more.
  • Themes
    • Build custom themes
  • Headless
    • Take store customization further with Hydrogen, a React-based framework for headless commerce.


Shopify Admin

  • Create apps in the stores "backend" where the store owner manages their business

Embedded app home

  • Creating an embedded app in the store owners backend
  • It is the primary place your application will live
  • This is where you render your app UI. It is rendered in an iFrame on web and a Webview on mobile


  • UI library with prebuilt themes and components to use in your app
  • Gives your app a consistent look with the rest of Shopify UI

App Bridge

  • Allows you to communicate directly with Shopify Admin and create UI elements outside of your app surface (iFrame or Webview)
    • Navigation elements, modals, save bars, etc

Admin Actions

  • Create workflows that are able to be launched from various different places in Shopify Admin that are outside of your app (ex product page).
  • Can be triggered from More Actions and shows a modal with your custom code / logic.
  • After they are close the page updates with the data from the action

Admin Blocks

  • Create custom UI that is rendered in the main pages in admin
    • Product, Customer, Orders, etc
  • Allow users to edit information in your app & page data
  • Users have to manually add the blocks to these pages
  • Links from main pages in admin to pages in your app


  • An app that allows store owners to create automations for their store
  • You can write custom code to interact with Flow


Checkout UI Extension

  • Create apps that hook into the stores checkout flow

Shopify Function

  • Hook into the Shopify backend with writing custom logic
  • Injects these functions into Shopifys backend
  • Has to be written in a language that can be compiled into web assembly (Rust, Javascript)
  • Used for discounting, product bundling, delivery and payment rules, checkout & cart validation. More to come on this

Post-Purchase Product Offers

  • Displayed to customers right after they complete a purchase.
  • Can be used for gathering reviews, surveys, feedback, donations, etc
  • Created with App Bridge
  • Stored on Shopify CDN

Customer Accounts

  • Allows customers to view order history, status, etc

Online Store

  • Put your app into the store's online storefront

Theme App Extension

  • Display dynamic elements on their storefront themes without requiring store owners to touch any code
  • Shows your app in the theme editor / customizer
  • App Blocks
    • Used to put content on the webpage
  • App Embed Blocks
    • Used when your are injecting just logic, floating, or overlaid elements

App Proxy

  • Take request to Shopify and redirect the request to your app server
  • Display data on merchants store

Custom Data

  • Allows you to extend existing data models to include more specific fields


  • Add additional information to a Shopify Resource (product, collection, etc)
  • Can be accessed via Liquid, Storefront API, & the Admin API


  • Create custom data structures in Shopify
  • Can be associated with a Shopify resource but can also exist on their own
  • Can be accessed via Liquid, Storefront API, & the Admin API


Storefront API

  • Unauthenticated
  • Used for storefronts

Admin API

  • Authenticated
  • API for extending Shopify Admin





  • Gives you complete control over the frontend
  • Headless frontend that uses Shopify backend


  • Hosting for hydrogen
  • Run on the edge
  • Can have multiple environments and connects to Github for CI/CD workflows

Shopify Development Cheat Sheet

Quick Reference Sheet for all the terms you may run into learning Shopify development