Jeff Edmondson
Database Soft Deletes: How and Why with Custom Prisma Client queries
Soft deletes and hard deletes are two different approaches to deleting data from a database. In this article, we will explore soft delete write and write some custom Prisma client queries to implement soft deletes.
NextJS: Creating a Favicon for your NextJS app | 2023
In this 2023 guide we will create a new favicon for your nextJS app. This guide will work both for the pages and app directory
Setting up VSCode for React projects in 2023 | Full Guide
Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is by the far the most popular code editor on the market. In this guide we will take VSCode to the next level.
Next.js environment variables
In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about environment variables and how to use them in Next.Js. We'll also discuss best practices for managing your environment variables and how to set them up on Vercel for your production deployments.
Tutorial: Protected Routes in React with Custom Hook & Context API
This tutorial will show you how to create protected routes in React. We will utilize the react context api & create a custom hook for our protected routes. We also discuss some common problems and different implementations to address them.